Psychometric properties of instruments of measurement of social comparison orientation


Savchenko T.N.1,Samoylenko E.S.2,Korbut A.V.3


1. Institute of Psychology of Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Institute of psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Military University of the Ministry of Defense


In the article, the results of a comparative analysis of psychometric properties of the Iowa-Netherlands Social Comparison Orientation Measure (INCOM) (Gibbons, Buunk, 1999) versions administered to different cultural samples (American, English, Dutch, German and Russian), and Russian Social Comparison Orientation Questionnaire (RSCOQ) (Samoylenko, 2012, in Russian) are presented. For the INCOM versions, similarity in their high reliability and differences in their factor structures as well as in the ways to measure their construct and external validity were revealed. For the INCOM and RSCOQ, significant positive associations between their comparison orientaion total measures as well as their separate factors were revealed. This means a possibility to combine the two instruments when testing individual differences in social comparison orientation.


Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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