1. Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (FSBEI VO MGPPU)
The work is aimed at examining the influence of modern didactic programs in virtual reality (VR) on mental states in adolescence. The materials of empirical research obtained on a sample of 3—4 year students from Moscow and Smolensk universities are presented. Study 1 (N = 50) involved respondents aged 19 to 26 years. We used the methodology of AS Kulikov L.V., didactic VR programs were used as instructive independent variables. The results obtained indicate that the didactic VR environment of the highest level has a significant effect on mental states, increasing indicators on the scales of activation, excitement, tone, euphoria, and reducing asthenia. Conditions such as well-being, normal mood, calmness remain stable in immersive didactic VR. The effectiveness of VR programs in influencing mental states is determined by the successful modeling of 3D objects, high animation, interactivity, originally incorporated into the content of VR of the highest level. The data on an increase in the experience of the degree of presence in VR when using new helmets, even in short VR programs, are of fundamental importance. This indicates the possibility of the formation of addictions to VR with their repeated, short-term use.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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