1. Smolensk State University
2. Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University (FSBEI VO MGPPU)
The paper considers the influence of training developments in the field of virtual reality on a person included in the educational process. The presented work is aimed at identifying reflection and the level of formation of mathematical knowledge of students involved in a virtual program. The materials of an empirical study obtained on a sample of high school students are presented. The study involved respondents (N=105) aged 16 to 17 years (M=16.5, SD=0.18), of which 44% were males, 56% were females. At the diagnostic stages (before and after the experimental exposure), A.V. Karpov — V.V. Ponomareva and individual author’s questionnaire. At the experimental — formative stage — schoolchildren who were diagnosed with a low level of reflection (26%) and a low level of formation of mathematical knowledge (76%) were included in the work with a virtual teaching mathematical program on ordinary monitors (average level of immersiveness). The obtained changes in mental parameters were confirmed by the statistical criteria of homogeneity χ2 and Fisher’s angular transformation φ* at the significance level p ≤ 0.05.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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2 articles.