Adaptation of “Sociotropy—Self-Sufficience” Questionnaire for Russian Sample on Middle Adults and Ageing People


Strizhitskaya O.Y.1ORCID,Petrash M.D.2ORCID,Murtazina I.R.2ORCID,Vartanyan G.A.2ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg State University

2. Saint Petersburg State University


Present paper describes that adaptation of a questionnaire on the sociotropy or own assumptions and goals. Paper presents the results of the psychometric validity of the Russian adaptation of the Questionnaire for middle and older adults. Participants were adults aged 35-75 (N=358; M= 49,27; SD = 11,08; 75,5 % — females). Our adaptation was based on a New Zealand version of the “Socitropy/ Autonomy scale” by A. Beck. To check the criterial validity we used “Differential questionnaire of loneliness experiences”, “Social and emotional loneliness scales for middle and older adults”, “Psychological well-being scale by C. Ryff”. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory analysis identified four subscales: “Social non-confidence”, “Dependence on other’s opinion”, “Affiliation” and “Independence”. Psychometric tests proved that all identified scales had internal consistency, and form a general factor. Final confirmatory analysis showed that four scales are comparatively independent. Analysis of the results in age and sex groups showed that the questionnaire maintained its consistency in age groups (middle adulthood, later adulthood, aging) as well as for males and females. Thus, our results revealed that our adaptation could be used on adults and older adults in Russia.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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