Evidence-Based Approach in Management: Evidence-Based Management and Policy


Semya G.V.1ORCID,Stanilevsky V.V.2ORCID,Gazaryan A.A.3ORCID,Nekrasov A.S.3ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. American University

3. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


Objective. Review of the concepts of “evidence-based approach in management”, “evidence-based management”, and “evidence-based policy”. Systematization of factors that inhibit and contribute to the dissemination of evidence-based management practices in the social sphere. Identification of priority measures to support the development of an evidence-based approach in the management in the social sphere.Background. Executives in general, and also in the social sphere, are facing challenges of an increasing level of uncertainty, which brings difficulties to make reliable forecasts and make decisions with guaranteed results. At the same time, there is a systemic crisis of resources, requiring the choice of strategies and tactics that provide the highest level of performance. An additional challenge is the increasing amount of operations and the emerging need for managers to make quick management decisions. Against this background, the evidence-based approach acquires particular importance, based on the idea of the need to rely on the findings of research and expertise, providing managers with relevant data for choosing certain areas of action.Methodology. Literature review.Conclusions. The evidence-based approach in management is a range of practices with various severity of requirements, connected by the need for evidence-based and expert data for decision-making. Evidence-based management is a process of implementing an evidence-based approach within the framework of the activities of different level managers. Evidence-based policy is the implementation of evidence-based principles in making political decisions. Promotion of the evidence-based approach in management encounters several barriers such as assessment, used methodology, finance. However, some conditions can positively influence its promotion among practitioners: the involvement of senior managers, specialized training, the convergence of practitioners and researchers, and other factors. The funding of research and its accessibility remains critical.


Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Applied Psychology,Social Psychology

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