Mutual Acculturation of Migrants and the Host Population: Models, Measures, Key Studies and Challenges


Lepshokova Z.K.1ORCID


1. National Research University Higher School of Economics


Objective. An integrative review of modern models of acculturation, taking into account the problem of reciprocity of acculturation orientations of migrants and the host population, as well as antecedents and psychological consequences of migrants acculturation. Background. Over the past 100 years, more than 13000 scientific articles have been published on the topic of acculturation. Thanks to them we know a lot about how migrants and host population, ethnic minorities and ethnic majority adapt to each other. Today, most of this knowledge is systematized using models (taxonomies) of mutual acculturation of these groups. As a result, there is a great need for conducting a qualitative integrative review of the main and most influential models of mutual acculturation of migrants and the host population, the methods created on their basis, the results of key studies and criticism of these models. The analysis allows us to see the development of the theory of acculturation over the past half century, taking into account the main problems and challenges, that future generations of researchers of acculturation will face. Methodology. Systematic approach, method of comparative and critical analysis. Conclusions. The challenges that acculturation researchers meet open up new perspectives for creating modern systematic models of mutual acculturation of ethnocultural groups. Basically, acculturation should be considered as a life-long development process in changing ecological contexts of different levels, taking into account the consequences of the pandemic, the growing impact of digitalization and cultural globalization.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Applied Psychology,Social Psychology







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