1. Başar, Deniz. “The case of a bureaucratic emergency (part of: The Muslim Ban and academia).” The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere, 9 Apr. 2018, tif.ssrc.org/2018/04/09/the-muslim-ban-and-academia/.
2. Başar, Deniz. “In Conversation with Deniz Başar: ‘Wine & Halva’—a Play That Tests the Limits of Friendship within Canadian Institutional Racism (Part I).” Interview by Marjan Moosavi. The Theatre Times, 4 July 2020, thetheatretimes.com/in-conversation-with-deniz-basar-winehalva-a-play-that-tests-the-limits-of-friendship-within-canadian-institutional-racism-part-i/.
3. Başar, Deniz. “In Conversation with Deniz Başar: ‘Wine & Halva’—a Play That Tests the Limits of Friendship within Canadian Institutional Racism (Part II).” Interview by Marjan Moosavi. The Theatre Times, 6 July 2020, thetheatretimes.com/in-conversation-with-deniz-basar-wine-halva-a-play-that-tests-the-limits-of-friendship-within-canadian-institutional-racism-part-ii/.
4. Başar, Deniz. “In Conversation with Deniz Başar: ‘Wine & Halva’—a Play That Tests the Limits of Friendship within Canadian Institutional Racism (Part III).” Interview by Marjan Moosavi. The Theatre Times, 7 July 2020, thetheatretimes.com/in-conversation-with-deniz-basar-winehalva-a-play-that-tests-the-limits-of-friendship-within-canadian-institutional-racism-part-iii/.