Where Is It (in the Map)? Recall and Recognition of Spatial Information


Bestgen Anne-Kathrin1,Edler Dennis2,Müller Christina3,Schulze Patrick4,Dickmann Frank5,Kuchinke Lars6


1. Department of Geography and Department of Psychology / Ruhr-University Bochum / Bochum / Germany

2. Department of Geography / Ruhr-University Bochum / Bochum / Germany

3. Department of Psychology / Ruhr-University Bochum / Bochum / Germany

4. Department of Psychology / Ruhr-University Bochum / Bochum / Germany

5. Department of Geography / Ruhr-University Bochum / Bochum /Germany

6. Methods and Evaluation / International Psychoanalytic University Berlin / Berlin / Germany


Findings of empirical studies of spatial memory using maps are direct responses to the successful transfer and processing of map information. The memory performance of map users is an important indication of the quality of a map design. Studies of spatial memory have mainly relied on recall performances, but maps can be used in various ways depending on the map user's task and applied strategy. Therefore, one memory paradigm does not cover the entire spectrum of options for examining the retrieval of map information. Three different experiments were designed to analyze and compare memory performances using different map information in recall and recognition (combining episodic and semantic memory) paradigms. The results demonstrate that map complexity, as varied by the amount of displayed map detail, contributes significantly to memory performance. Moreover, memory enhancement affected by map-structuring elements (grids) depends on the respective paradigm and also on the visual appearance of the structuring elements. Both paradigms for examining the influence of map information on cognitive processing can be applied specifically to analyze the efficiency of map designs. On the basis of the different effects of map information, a reasoned application of these paradigms to test map designs is indispensable.


University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)


Earth-Surface Processes

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