On the ‘Double Protection’ Issues


Zubkov S. B.1


1. Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation; Moscow Bar Association; Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)


Based on regulatory sources, materials from the judicial and disciplinary practice of regional bar chambers, and bar instruments, the paper analyzes certain aspects of double protection, when a court appointed attorney participates in the case along with an arranged lawyer. In particular, the paper studies issues on the priority of legally protected values when deciding on the admissibility of ‘double protection’; on the degree of completeness and consistency of legal regulation of relevant legal relations in their legal and professional ethical context; on the validity of expanding the legal grounds for the participation of a court-appointed attorney; on the effect of the rule of Part 3 of Art. 50 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation on the failure of a defense lawyer to appear within 5 days in relation to a court-appointed lawyer; on the possibility of challenging the courtappointed attorney due to their «low qualifications.» Given the incompleteness and inconsistency of regulation of this sphere, which is significant both legally and professionally and ethically, and taking into account the different tasks in the implementation of the functions of criminal proceedings by the bodies of inquiry and investigation, as well as the state prosecution — on the one hand, and the defense — on the other, it is important to find there is a certain regulatory balance in this area. It should also be taken into account that the institution of «double protection» in one way or another touches on the issue of conflict of public and private interests. According to the author, it is necessary to eliminate the incompleteness and inconsistency of the normative regulation of the institution of «double protection», develop unified approaches to the implementation of this institution by lawyers, ensure consistent corporate disciplinary practice in matters of bringing a lawyer to disciplinary liability, promote the unity of law enforcement practice in this matter by the bodies of inquiry and investigation and courts.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University

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