Implementation of a Process Approach to the Quality of Expert Legal Assistance in the face of Digitalization


Gavrilov S. N.1


1. Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation


Digital transformation of legal profession and advocacy involves finding, selecting, and developing approaches that ensure the translation of data about objects, connections, and processes of the real (analog) world related to the relevant subject area into a virtual (digital) format. Therefore, it is very important that the description of the properties of objects, connections and processes subject to digitalization should be machine-readable, and the «pre-digital» (analog) image of such should fit into the paradigm of information technology (Information Technology, IT) for the subsequent transformation of this image into digital form.The digital transformation of legal profession and advocacy is not an end in itself. The key issue is the quality of expert legal assistance. The issue of the quality of expert legal assistance must be addressed on a systematic basis, taking into account such quality management functions as quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement. The development of the topic of quality (proper quality) of expert legal assistance involves the formation of a certain theoretical model on an appropriate methodological basis, followed by its implementation in the regulatory (regulatory) framework of the ecosystem of advocacy and implementation in corporate practice. The author offers one of these models. The model is based on the so-called process approach. The paper describes the essence of the process approach, the process model of the quality of the expert legal assistance itself and gives a general description of its elements. The process model allows you to look at the provision of expert legal assistance through the prism of the process approach used in IT: it makes it possible to plan the provision, provide and analyze the results of the rendered expert legal assistance in the paradigm of this approach. The author notes the high analytical potential of the process model of the quality of qualified legal aid and its practical usefulness.


Kutafin Moscow State Law University


General Medicine

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