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2. Dubovik OL. Okhrana klimata: sovremennye zadachi, sredstva i metody ekologicheskogo i energeticheskogo prava [Climate protection: modern tasks, means and methods of environmental and energy law]. Law and Politics. 2010;3:511-517 (In Russ.).
3. Dubovik OL. Sovremennye ekologo-pravovye konflikty v oblasti okhrany klimata i borby s globalnym potepleniem [Modern environmental law conflicts over the climate protection and the struggle against global warming]. Environmental Law. 2018;5:35-40 (In Russ.).
4. Dubovik OL , Averina KN. Znachenie Parizhskogo soglasheniya dlya okhrany klimata: krupnomasshtabnye plany i problemy s ikh realizatsiey [Significance of the Paris Agreement for climate protection: large-scale plans and problems with their implementation]. International Law and International Organizations. 2018;4:18-27 (In Russ.).
5. Zhavoronkova NG , Shpakovskiy YuG. Zarubezhnaya normativnaya ekspansiya v ekologicheskom regulirovanii [Foreign regulatory expansion in environmental regulation]. Lex russica. 2021;6:56-67 (In Russ.).