Where and how meanings emerge


Zolyan Suren T.1,Ilyin Mikhail V.2,Teslya A. A.1,Tulchinskiy Grigoriy L.3


1. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

2. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University; Institute of Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences

3. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University; Higher School of Economics National Research University


The discussion aims to identify the interpretive mechanisms that provide an interface be­tween text and context (between language and the world, language and culture, language and society). It is a multi-level system of interfaces connected by inversion and recursion relations and operations. We identify this system as a pragmasemantics. It also acts as an interface platform for correlation/transformation of intra-system semantic units and extralinguistic objects within a set of possible worlds. At the same time, this platform is endowed with the autopoietic potential to generate new operating interfaces systems, as well as textualized structures of operations and interpretations (instructions, memory, reframing). The genera­tion of meaning is the result of the interaction of the system platform with the platform-as-context, due to the possibility that one generates and determines the operational potential of the other, acting a recursive loop or Möbius strip. The connection between subjectivity and meaningful semiosis is crucially important due to the key role of textualization and langua­ging. The signified are reproduced by signifiers and thus generate those processes that are structured by interactions and other practices. In complex systems (biological and beyond), the possibility of self-replication arises through recursive self-interpretation. Thus, subjectivi­ty acts as a kind of universal interface that determines the change of contexts, their interac­tion, the generation of possible new ones, ensuring the pro-creativity and pre-adaptability of the system (its stability and development.


Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

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