The influence of health-improving running classes on the functional preparedness of women aged 25-35


Miroshnichenko Viacheslav,Brezdeniuk Oleksandra,Shvets Oksana,Kovalchuk Andrii


The article presents a program of training sessions for health running, where the dosage of running loads is based on energy consumption, and describes its impact on the indicators of functional preparedness of women 25-35 years. This technique is based on the dependence of energy expenditure on heart rate. The study involved 80 women of the first period of adulthood who had no experience in sports. The subjects performed running loads in the aerobic mode of energy supply at a heart rate in the range of 140-150 beats per minute. The duration of the running was individual, which provided energy expenditure within the optimal range. In order to harmoniously develop all the energy supply systems of muscular activity, every second and third of the week classes included intense running for short distances in anaerobic power energy supply. The impact of classes on the health-improving running program on the functional preparedness of women aged 25-35 years was manifested by an increase in absolute and relative indicators of aerobic productivity of the body (Vo2 max and TAM). In addition, an increase in the relative indicators of power and capacity of anaerobic lactate productivity of the body (VANT 30 and MQMK). Indicators of anaerobic alactate productivity of the body (VAnT 10abs. and VAnT 10rel.) did not undergo statistically significant changes. Health-improving running classes caused adaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system, which was manifested by a probable decrease in heart rate in a state of relative muscle rest and blood pressure on dosed exercise. Health-improving running classes are an effective way to improve indicators of aerobic productivity of the body in women 25-35 years. The growth of aerobic productivity was facilitated by running loads in the aerobic mode of energy supply, the dosing of which was carried out according to energy consumption. Interval runs of submaximal intensity and serial accelerations contributed to the growth of anaerobic productivity. Such classes cause positive adaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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