Miroshnichenko V.M.,Nesterova S.Yu.,Boiko M.O.,Osavoliuk T.V.
In the scientific literature, conceptual models of physical culture and health classes in various directions of motor activity are described. There are data that indicate that in women of different morphological types, adaptive changes to different types of motor activity are not the same. In addition, it was established that the level of development of indicators of physical and functional fitness in women of different morphological types differs significantly. Therefore, there is a need to supplement the conceptual models of physical culture and health classes with the provision that morpho-functional features should be taken into account. The following methods were used to solve the tasks: theoretical analysis, generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature and experimental data, synthesis, modeling. On the basis of the analysis of the results of experimental studies, the provisions on the need to differentiate the level of indicators of physical and functional fitness in women in the first period of mature age, depending on their somatotype, have been determined. Provisions on a differentiated approach to representatives of different somatotypes when programming physical culture and health classes by running have been determined. Incorporating into the concept of recreational running classes a provision on a differentiated approach to programming classes for women of the first period of mature age of various somatotypes will ensure the maximum health-improving effect, since the peculiarities of their adaptation to such loads will be taken into account.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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