Basic gymnastics as an effective means of enriching the motor experience of young athletes


Deineko Alfiіa,Lutsenko Larysa,Petrov Dmitry


The article analyzes and summarizes the issue of enriching the motor experience of young athletes in the context of basic gymnastics usage. It is shown that due to the constant internal development, gymnastics is a powerful and universal means of influencing human motor activity through a large number of different physical exercises. It is highlighted that basic gymnastics has passed a difficult path of historical development and arose as a continuation of the Swedish (general development) direction in the development of gymnastics, and its founder is considered to be the Dane Nils Buk. It is noted that basic gymnastics is aimed at the comprehensive development and strengthening of the human body, its mastery of the general principles of movement (formation of a school of movements), the education of physical, moral and volitional qualities necessary in all areas of human activities. The traditional means are the following groups of exercises: marching - joint actions in the order that promote the education of organization and discipline, accustom to joint organized actions, form the correct posture, make it more fit, agile, slender; applied - walking, running, simple jumps, throwing, climbing, carrying loads, balance exercises; general developmental, allowing a person to master such motor skills that he can use to build motor actions of any complexity; free - combinations of different gymnastic exercises in combination with elements of acrobatics and choreography; the simplest acrobatic - combining acrobatic jumps and balancing exercises, including static positions, as well as basic rhythmic gymnastics exercises, exercises in hanging and projectile stops, dance movements, games and relay races. It has been established that the more various motor skills a young athlete has, the easier and faster it is possible to teach him new motor actions.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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