Legislative and regulatory frameworks of social, pedagogical and psychological rehabilitation of children who suffered as a result of military actions with the use of motor activity means


Hakman A. V.,Dudko M. V.,Sobotyuk S. A.


The goal of our research is to analyze the existing regulatory framework of social, pedagogical and psychological rehabilitation of children who suffered as a result of military actions using motor activity means. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documents, content analysis, synthesis and generalization. Research findings. The paper analyzes the international legal acts that are the basis for the protection of children in conditions of martial law or armed conflict. Several programs and organizations of the UN, which work in providing support to children who suffered as a result of military actions, including the use of motor activity means for their social, pedagogical and psychological rehabilitation, have been revealed. The areas of activity of the Red Cross as a humanitarian organization, which guide the efforts to alleviate the suffering of children and their families in conflict situations, are characterized. The legislative and regulatory legal frameworks of social, pedagogical and psychological rehabilitation of children who suffered as a result of military actions using motor activity means in Ukraine are determined. Conclusions. Hence, the regulatory principles of social, pedagogical and psychological rehabilitation of children who suffered as a result of military actions, with an emphasis on the use of motor activity, highlight the following categories: constitutional and legislative guarantees, health laws, education laws, documents on the rights of the child, provisions on social services, development strategies and programs, laws on assistance to victims, ethical standards, international documents, state rehabilitation programs.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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