The influence of functional training classes on the manifestation of special physical preparedness of qualified sportswomen and fitness models during the preparatory period


Kharlanova M.,Dhzym V.,Kanunova L.


The purpose of the article was to study the impact of functional training classes on the manifestation of special physical fitness of qualified sportswomen and fitness models during the preparatory period of the annual training cycle. This research was carried out in the fitness clubs: "Pheromon" and the network of fitness clubs "Puls Gym", Kharkiv and the Department of Athletics and Strength Sports of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture with 20 female athletes 20-21 years old engaged in fitness modeling (bodybuilding), during the preparatory period, the general preparatory stage, three mesocycles (absorbing and two basic (general training and special training)). A number of tests were developed to demonstrate special physical fitness in the training process, which took place with the use of special preparatory exercises: bench press of 20 kg lying on a horizontal bench, a number of times in 30 seconds; standing dumbbell press of 5 kg, several times in 30 seconds; squats with a barbell on the shoulders of 20 kg, a number of times in 30 seconds; classic deadlift 20 kg, number of times in 30 seconds; bending of arms with dumbbells while standing 3 kg each, number of times in 30 seconds; thrust of the vertical block to the chest 10 kg, number of times in 30 seconds. As a result of the testing of strength indicators due to special preparatory basic and isolated exercises for female athletes engaged in fitness modeling (bodybuilding), it was found that the indicators in all tests of special preparatory exercises had high reliability (p<0.001). Thus, the method of functional training in the preparatory period of the annual macrocycle has a positive effect on the improvement and increase of muscle groups that are involved in the mandatory posing of sportswomen engaged in fitness modeling.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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