
Miroshnichenko V.N.,Bohuslavskaya V.Yu.,Salnykova S.V.,Dovhii Yu.I.


The article presents the program of training sessions on health swimming and reveals its impact on the functional readiness of women 25-35 years. The purpose of the study was to develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of the health swimming program on the functional fitness of women aged 25-35. The study involved females aged 25 to 35 years. The total number is 45 people. Classes were held three times a week in an indoor swimming pool. As part of the observational experiment, studies were conducted to determine the level of functional fitness, body composition, body weight, body mass index, basal metabolism. To identify the features of the reaction of the body of women to physical activity provided by the experimental program, a formative experiment was conducted. As part of the formative experiment, the survey was conducted in two stages - 12 and 24 weeks after the start of classes on the program. The content of the main part, in which the main tasks of the lesson were solved, consisted of an aerobic and anaerobic block of exercises. In the aerobic block of the main part of the lesson, the subjects covered the distance at a comfortable pace using different styles: crawl swimming, backstroke, breaststroke. In the anaerobic block of the main part of the lesson, the women swam several segments of 25 m in different styles at a pace that increased heart rate to 160-170 beats per minute (anaerobic lactate energy supply). Classes in the health swimming program helped to reduce body weight and body mass index in women (25-35 years). Such classes contributed most to the growth of their functional capabilities of the aerobic energy supply system, as indicated by the probable increase in the absolute and relative indicators of the threshold of anaerobic metabolism and maximum oxygen consumption. In addition, the functionality of the anaerobic lactate energy supply system has increased.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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