Improving the physical and functional fitness of 11-12-year-old swimmers using aquafitnes


Bohuslavska Victoriia Yuriivna,Holovkina Viktoriia Volodymyrivna,Salnykova Svitlana Volodymyrivna


The article considers the possibility of optimizing swimmers' physical exertion at the stage of preliminary basic training using aqua fitness.The purpose of the study is to develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of a swimming training program using elements of aquafitness to improve the physical and functional fitness of swimmers aged 11-12 years. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from literary sources; pedagogical and physiological research methods, namely: bicycle ergometry, pulsometry, sphygmomanometry, spirography, chronometry; methods of mathematical statistics. Two groups of male swimmers took part in the experiment - control and experimental. Both groups included 32 athletes, aged 11-12 years, whose sports experience was 2-3 years, and whose qualification was at the level of the third sports category. Research results. The athletes of the experimental group, in which elements of aquafitness were used during swimming lessons, after 24 weeks of training, a probable improvement in the results of tests characterizing speed (by 3,01%, p<0,05), explosive power (by 3,73 %, p<0,05); dynamic power endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle (by 34,73%); speed-strength endurance of the muscles of the shoulder girdle (by 27,14%, p<0,05), abdominal press (by 17,66%, p<0,05) and lower limbs (by 9,58%, p< 0,05); active flexibility of the spine (by 44,86%, p<0,05) and active mobility of the shoulder joints (by 20,39%, p<0,05); and general endurance according to the result of the "continuous five-minute run" test (by 3,73%, p<0,05). Conclusion. It was established that swimming training sessions using elements of aquafitness improve the physical and functional fitness of 11-12-year-old swimmers more effectively than classes according to the generally accepted educational program.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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