Comparative analysis of power single punches of qualified boxers of different types of fighting styles


Martyniuk Y.,Dhzym V.,Grebnova I.


The purpose of the article was to conduct a comparative analysis of the power of single punches by qualified boxers of different types of fighting styles. The research was carried out in 2 youth sports schools in the city of Kharkiv, sports school No. 9 and Poltava sports school No. 2. 25 qualified athletes engaged in boxing at the age of 17-19 years of various types of fighting styles participated in it. For the distribution of athletes according to the types of fighting manners, namely: (Player; Pacemaker; Powerworker) tests of physical qualities and special physical fitness were used according to the program developed for the Junior High School. Thus, after conducting studies of various series of powerful single punches by qualified boxers of different types of fighting styles, we can state that the punching bag power indicators are different in all groups. The first group of Igrovyk boxers had quite powerful blows, but compared to the group of Powermen, they had weaker indicators, in turn, compared to the Tempoviks, the results were more pronounced and had reliability in indicators (p<0.05). The following indicators were analyzed and revealed that when performing a direct blow (jab) with the right and left hand, the results in the groups of Igrovyk and Silovyk with the right hand (t=4.21; p<0.001) and the left, respectively (t=3.95; p< 0.001). So it can be argued that each type has its own character of blows, but they need to be constantly improved using different training methods of training other types of fighting manners of skilled boxers.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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