Valuing of functional reserves of the cordial-vascular system in professional activity of physical culture teacher


Kotsur Nadiia,Tovkun Lidiia


In the conditions of martial law in Ukraine, the problem remains relevant of primary prevention directed at carrying of screening and monitoring regarding early detection of the ill and timely implementation of corrective, health- improving measures among schoolchildren. The purpose of the article is a clarification of risk of factors he cordial-vascular disease in adolescents and valuing its functional reserves during the organization of physical culture in general secondary education. The research is based on the using of the following methods: analysis and synthesis of literature sources; physiological (pulse metrical, functional (Rufier test for determine the reserve capacity of the circulatory system) and calculation (Robinson index), questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics, qualitative and comparative analysis of the results. The significant influence on the reserve capacity of the cordial-vascular system of a healthy lifestyle, in particular such factors as rational nutrition, physical activity, daily time-table, psycho-emotional state are determined in it. The results of the conducted research by way of using of the Robinson index and the Rufier test showed a decrease of reserving capacity of the body’s due the circulatory system in adolescents who don’t adhere of a healthy lifestyle. It is proved that consideration of functional state of the cordial-vascular system of pupils, their adaptive reserves during the organization and conduct of physical education is directed at preventing the most common ills of the cordial-vascular system. The relationship between the influence of negative social factors and a decrease of the functional reserves of the cordial- vascular system in the significant part of adolescents is established in it.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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