Аssessment of the functional-reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system of student youth


Dzenzeliuk D.,Denisuk N.,Pantus O.,Denysovets A.


The article presents materials and arguments that prove the relevance of assessing the state of health of student youth by studying the level of functional reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system. The list of main reasons and prerequisites for the emergence of this system is identified. Normative and legal documents, medical and pedagogical studies, which contribute to the objective approach to solving the issue of health assessment, are established. The following scientific research methods were used to implement the goals of the study: analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, medical examination, and statistical data processing. During the experiment, the dynamics of the indicators of the Ruffier sample for the assessment of the cardiovascular system and their inconsistency were determined, and it turned out that the students of the physical rehabilitation group had a "low" result of 39.2%, and "below average" result of 34.8%. Moreover, "low" and "below average" indicators were identified among the students with the main diseases of functional systems, such as musculoskeletal and central nervous systems. To confirm the results obtained, other alternative approaches to the study of the level of functional reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular system, such as the Ruffier test and the Ruffier-Dickson index, were used. When using the Ruffier test, the dynamics were similar to the ones observed using the Ruffier sample method. Moreover, the number of students of the main group has "unsatisfactory" indicators – 50,1%, while physical rehabilitation group – 26,1%. But the number of students with a "satisfactory" indicator increased, both in the main group 40.1% and in physical rehabilitation group – 56,5%. When analyzing the results of the Ruffier sample method, the Ruffier-Dickon index, and the Ruffier test, a discrepancy is observed, which in turn leads to the unreasonable division of students into PE group, as well as indicates the emergence of individuals with unsatisfactory state of health in higher education institutions.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


Materials Chemistry

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