The justification of the development program of professional competences of physical education teachers in New Ukrainian School conditions


Sorokolit N.


The article is dedicated to justification of elaboration and characterizing of special course program “The modernization of school physical education in conditions of New Ukrainian School” in order to increase qualification for physical education teachers. This program gives opportunity for physical education specialists to develop professional competences in order to perform studying, methodic, physical-strengthening, group work in conditions of standards of new Ukrainian school; to obtain technique of formulated evaluation; to model the lessons, based on competence approach; to form the readiness to implement key competences into physical education of pupils. What is more, there were highlighted pre-conditions for establishing of this program on the basis of questionnaire of 341 physical education teachers from seven Ukrainian regions: Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, Khmelnytsk, Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson. There was determined that the main factors that prove the demand in elaboration of program of course second preparation is physical education teachers’ though that courses of qualification increase is the main source to get information about educational innovations (60,4%); the need in additional studying (38,6%); the importance of such special course in course second preparation on the modern stage (22,3%); lack of professional competence according New Ukrainian School (4,9%); the need in course second preparation in distance format (59,7%).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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