Physical development and physical fitness of students of different functional groups of health


Madyar-Fazekash E.,Voronchak M.,Hutsul N.


The construction of physical education classes for students should be provided not only by solving special and individual problems of physical education, but also by solving the general physiological action of the body as a whole, which prevents hypodynamics, lack of motor activity, stimulates metabolism, restores and strengthens motor skills. Аre given the results of the anthropometric and Uzhhorod National University (UzhNU) fiziometricheskikh measurements 3279 of the students of Irkutsk national research technical university (IRNITU) and testing of their engine of qual. It is established that the anthropometric and fiziometricheskie indices in youths and girls I (of basic) functional group of health (with exception of the mass of body in girls), are reliably higher than in the students II (of preparatory) functional group. The values of indices in the engine tests in I the functional group are reliably above both in the girls and in youths. The reliable difference in the test to the flexibility between all students of both functional groups it is not established. The higher content of muscular mass into the tele- girls and the youths I of functional group and better physical development ensures their advantage in the engine qualities, in comparison with the students, in reference to II the functional group. The content of fatty mass is more in all students, in reference to I the functional group. The differences between the indices of the bone mass of body in the observed groups of health it is not established. The revealed special features of physical development and physical preparedness of students should be calculated during the organization of training process on the basis of discipline “physical culture” (Institute of Higher Education).


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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