Development of physical qualities in students of non-profile higher education institutions by means of game sports


Rohal I.,Burbela O.


Sports games have a complex effect on the processes of forming the need for regular exercise, physical improvement, health promotion, intellectual development, aesthetic education. This tool is an organic part of the process of physical education of participants of all levels of higher education systems. An important problem today is the weakening of the health of people of all ages and genders. According to official sources and the results of scientific research of leading specialists in the field of health, biology, physiology, physical education and sports, this problem is relevant in the context of modern higher education, as indicated by low rates of physical and functional readiness of students Training in sports games is subject to the relevant laws in physical education, and in the process of training and improvement is the development of techniques and tactics. Game sports are always included in the programs of physical education of student youth as an important and popular means of improving the health of students. The results of the study showed that the use of volleyball and basketball in the process of physical education of students of non-core higher education institutions has a positive effect on the development of physical qualities of girls: speed, agility, speed and strength.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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