Comparison of the provisions of units responsible for organizing physical training in the armed forces of ukraine and the ministry of defense of Ukraine


Shlyamar I.


Abstract. The article highlights the current problems of physical training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as defined in the Concept for the Development of Physical Training and Sports in the System of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine of 28.12.2022 No. 452 (hereinafter - the Concept) [1]. The position of the structural units responsible for organizing physical training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, as well as changes to the level of indicators of the possibility of implementation to the standards of the NATO armed forces, are studied and analyzed. The factors that determine the formation of the physical training system, its regulatory framework, conditions for its implementation in the activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are considered, especially taking into account the realities of today and the experience of combat operations during the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation. A number of shortcomings in the current system of physical training, its regulatory framework and the organization of physical training in the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been identified. Structural units responsible for the organization of physical training duplicate each other and perform unrelated tasks. The experience of organizing and conducting physical training in the leading NATO countries with the subsequent possibility of introducing forms of organization into the service activities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is studied. Prospects and directions for further research on this topic and proposals for their phased solution are identified.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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