Pervachuk O.,Pervachuk R.
Given the current events, the supply of weapons and military equipment by partner countries and its rapid development in everyday military life, the nature of combat operations against the Russian aggressor, we can conclude that modern combat does not exclude the occurrence of close combat between military personnel, units (groups) and the enemy, which may turn into hand-to-hand combat. The analysis of combat operations and experience has shown that most close combat engagements in wartime are conducted indoors, in populated areas, in wooded areas, in a limited area, in trenches, etc. In addition to the above, hand-to-hand combat is possible in cases of absence or loss of personal weapons and in conditions where the use of personal weapons is impossible or inappropriate for any reason.
The use of hand-to-hand combat means is a weapon that cannot be seen, but is always available to the soldier. The ability to master hand-to-hand combat techniques in certain situations when facing the enemy can be the only means and factor in achieving a successful outcome in combat, preserving the life and health of subordinate personnel, personal and fellow soldiers.
The training of military personnel and structural units in general for hand-to-hand combat in close combat in order to increase the combat capability of troops remains an urgent issue in modern combat. After all, hand-to-hand combat is an effective factor and element in the development and improvement of the physical, psychological and combat readiness of military personnel.
Thus, it is expedient to develop, substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the program of psychological preparedness of servicemen for military and professional activities based on the use of hand-to-hand combat.
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
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2 articles.
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2. Influence of the author's program on the formation and improvement of psychological preparation of military servicemen for military-professional activities;Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports);2024-06-21