Peculiarities of adaptation of the cardiovascular system of combatants after exposure to combat stress and trauma


Sorokolit N.,Olkhovyi O.,Olkhovyi O.,Ivakin T.,Mitova E.,Homaniuk S.,Hunchenko V.,Zamaraiev M.


Abstract. Military operations are generally considered to be a pronounced psycho-traumatic situation due to specific factors that lead to persistent mental and somatic health disorders and a slowdown in the rate of further social adaptation of military personnel. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is described as a set of complex somatic, cognitive, affective, and behavioral effects of psychological trauma. One of the essential features of combatants' PTSD is that after the end of the period of stay in the conditions of hostilities, a high incidence of chronic somatic diseases is manifested. There is a correlation in the neurotic symptoms (in all cases) of deterioration of the somatic condition, and exacerbation of somatic pathology aggravates mental disorders. The problem of morbidity and mortality from circulatory system diseases, blood poisoning and injuries is of particular relevance to combatants, as the onset of cardiovascular disease is closely related to the traumatic impact of wartime or PTSD. Particular attention to the medical and psychological consequences of the effects of extreme factors associated with combat on the body of military personnel is associated with both the prevalence of PTSD, which reaches 70-85%, and the duration of its symptoms.


National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

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