
Kuznecova Galina1,Polyakova Raisa1


1. V.S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil Crops


The formation of varietal resources is a powerful factor ensuring food security of the country. The purpose of our research is to analyze the production of modern varieties and hybrids of spring rapeseed in the conditions of Western Siberia (on the example of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region) and to determine the economic efficiency of their cultivation. Methods of mathematical, statistical analysis of data from published official statistical sources were used. The prime costs, revenues and cost recovery for the cultivation of domestic varieties Yubileyny and 55region, foreign varieties (Heros) and hybrid (PR46X75) are calculated. The data on the structure of prime costs of spring rapeseed are presented, where the largest share of costs is accounted for by plant protection products (32.8%), and approximately equal shares (10.5-13%) are accounted for by labor remuneration, maintenance of fixed assets and other basic costs. The share of seed costs depends on the seed material and varies from 3% for varieties to 10% for hybrids. On average for the years of research (2021-2023) the maximum oilseed yield was observed in hybrid PR46X75 - 2.23 t/ha, where the net income amounted to 56547 rubles/ha, but the cost recovery in this variant is the lowest - 4.82, due to high costs (14813 rubles/ha) in comparison with the cultivation of varieties of Siberian breeding Yubileyny and 55region, whose indicators amounted to 51202-54590 rubles/ha, 5.21-5.22 and 12158-12930 rubles/ha, respectively. The highest profitability was achieved in the cultivation of the spring rapeseed varieties 55region (422%) and Yubileyny (421%), and the lowest - in the hybrid PR46X75 - 382%.


Electronic Science

Reference11 articles.

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