1. 1. Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File, NNDC, Brookhaven National Laboratory (October, 2013)
2. 2. Dated March 5th, 2012, Notification from the Chief of Water Supply Services in the Health Sector of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare “Establishment of the controlled desired index for the radioactive substances in tap water”
3. 3. Nuclear Regulatory Agency “Environmental radioactivity database” http://search.kankyo-hoshano.go.jp/servlet/search.top, (reference 2013-10-17)
4. 4. Nuclear Safety Commission, Nuclear Power Plant Disaster Measures Expert Committee (Genshiryoku Hatudennshotou Shuuhenn Bousai Taisaku Senmon Bukai), Environmental Working Group/ Index of the restriction on food and drink intake (March 6th, 1998)
5. 5. Canadian Guidelines for the Restriction of Radioactively Contaminated Food and Water Following a Nuclear Emergency, Health Canada (2000)