The COVID-19 pandemic has reflected our failures and successes as global society in responding to crises, particularly regarding food insecurity. Responses varied greatly around the world. Here, we aimed to identify and compare the government and civil society’s responses to food insecurity and hunger during the pandemic in Montevideo, Uruguay and Wisconsin, USA.
We analysed official data on hunger and hunger alleviation strategies and conducted a series of interviews with several Uruguayan and American stakeholders, from NGOs, grassroot organizations, and governmental officers, among other social actors. We also conducted online surveys addressed to Uruguayan consumers and farmers which were answered by over 750 people in the first months of the pandemic. Our analysis and narrative therefore builds on a mixture of qualitative and quantitative data. We enriched our analysis with a series of lived experiences that provided better insights into the feelings, actions and perceptions recorded in the interviews and surveys.
We highlight different response strategies (largely top-down in Wisconsin, and a mix of top-down and bottom-up in Montevideo), discuss some of their successes and failures, compare official and popular narratives, and reflect on potential changes to be made to help shape more resilient local food systems but also to enhance the resilience and dignity of communities facing hunger.
Performance Studies International
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