The aim: To present and substantiate the theoretical and applied aspects of the organization of simulation training for higher education applicants in the field of health care based on the analysis and generalization of the experience of the Bogomolets National Medical University.
Materials and methods: To perform the set tasks, the following theoretical and empirical methods of scientific research were used: system analysis; comparison and generalization; bibliosemantic method; the analysis and simulation methods.
Results: The experience of organizing simulation training for higher education students in the field of health care was analyzed and summarized. There have been investigated the functional capabilities of the most common “virtual patient” modeling systems for the formation of the practical component of the future doctors’ professional competence. Finally, the features of the organization of the educational process at a medical university in classroom, mixed (classroom-distance) and synchronous (hybrid) forms of education during the period of quarantine restrictions have been described.
Conclusions: A technology for conducting an objective structured practical (clinical) exam has been developed. It helps to standardize the procedure for checking the level formation of the clinical professional competence of a future doctor in accordance with the requirements the standard of higher medical education. It is shown that the use of simulation training and modeling systems “virtual patient” in the preparation of future healthcare professionals increases the effectiveness of training, the interest of students and interns, motivating them to develop the necessary components of the future doctor’s professional competence.
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