The aim: Risk assessment of amicarbazone, bicyclopyrone and pydiflumetofen to public health as potential contaminants of groundwater and surface water sources in soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine in comparison with other countries.
Materials and methods: Hazard assessment to public health was performed according to 3 methods: determination of integrated danger vector (R), integrated groundwater contamination hazard index (IGCHI), risk of adverse effects of studied pesticides to public health (RAEP).
Results: The assessment of R and IGCHI indicators showed that the highest level of potential danger to public health due to possible contamination of water sources in Ukraine and other countries (EU, USA, Australia) is inherent in bicyclopyrone. According to the vector R, the potential risk of groundwater contamination with amicarbazone is estimated from medium to high in different soil and climatic conditions; pydiflumetofen - as high; according to IGCHI amicarbazone is recognized as extremely hazardous for humans, while pydiflumetofen can be classified as both hazardous (particularly in Ukraine) and highly hazardous. At the same time, the comparison of potential and permissible exposures showed that the risk of harmful effects on the human body (RAEP) of all 3 substances is acceptable.
Conclusions: The risk of contamination of groundwater and surface water with amicarbazone and bicyclopyrone in Ukraine is quite high and coincides with that in other countries; pydiflumetofen in Ukraine shows less migration ability than in some soil and climatic conditions of other countries. Danger assessment of the studied pesticides to public health as potential contamination of water sources in Ukraine and other countries is generally identical.
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