The aim: To establish gender differences in aerobic and anaerobic productivity in practically healthy residents of the Zakarpattia region in the post-pubertal period of ontogenesis, depending on the somatotypological characteristics of the organism.
Materials and methods: A comparative analysis of physical health status of 456 individuals, was carried out, whit was assessed by indicators of aerobic and anaerobic productivity of the body, depending on the somatotype, which was determined by the Heath-Carter method, and depending on the component body composition which was determined using the impedance method.
Results: The relative value Vo2 mах in females corresponds to “excellent”, which guarantees a “safe health level” according to H.L. Apanasenko. At the same time, the level of aerobic productivity in males in terms of the relative value Vo2 mах is “average”, which cannot guarantee a “safe health level”. The anaerobic productivity of females is lower than in males in terms of the relative value of alactic power, lactic power, and the capacity of lactic energy supply processes by 55.6%, 54.7%, and 38.7%, respectively.
Conclusions: The level of aerobic productivity, regardless of the area of residence, in females is higher than in males according to Ya.P. Pyarnat’s criteria. In males the increase in the fat component has a negative effect on the aerobic and anaerobic energy supply of the body. On the contrary, the growth of the muscle component of body mass helps to increase the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the body.
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7 articles.