Correlations Between the Functional State of the Organism and the Constitutional Characteristics of the Composition of Body Weight Males the Mountain Districts of Zakarpattia




Aerobic and anaerobic productivity of the body are integral indicators of physical health. assessment of physical health based on indicators of aerobic and anaerobic productivity makes it possible to characterize it not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively [3]. The ability to demonstrate aerobic capabilities largely depends on the content of muscles, which are the main consumer of oxygen in the body [10]. Fat does the role of a regulator of metabolic processes in the body and is the main source of energy during long-term work of low intensity, which is performed due to aerobic energy supply mechanisms of muscle activity. To clarify the degree of influence of somatotype components and components of body weight on the functional capabilities of young men living in the mountainous districts of Zakarpattia, we conducted a correlation analysis. Researches was conducted in 124 young men of the post-puberty period of ontogenesis aged 17 to 21 years, residents of the mountainous districts of the Zakarpattia region. Physical health status was assessed by indicators of the aerobic productivity of the body, namely, the maximum oxygen consumption was measured (VО 2 max ) using the bicycle ergometry method. To evaluate the level of aerobic productivity, the Ya. P. Pyarnat’s rating scale was used [14]. Indicators of anaerobic productivity of the body were studied by: measuring the power of anaerobic alactic energy supply processes by the Peak Power Output in 10 s (WAnT 10 ); the power of anaerobic lactic energy supply processes by the Peak Power Output in 30 s (WAnT 30 ), using the Wingate anaerobic test described by Yu. M. Furman et al. [15]. The anaerobic lactic productivity of the organism was measured by the Peak Power Output (PPO) in 1 min using A. Shogy and G. Cherebetin’s method [16]. The component body mass composition was determined using the impedance method with the application of Somatotype was determined by the Heath-Carter method, which provides a three-component (fat, muscle and bone) anthropometric assessment [17]. Omron BF511 Body Composition Monitor to estimate the percentage of fat mass (subcutaneous and visceral fat) and the percentage of skeletal muscle [18]. The statistical processing of the material was carried out in Excel 7.0 and SPSS version 10.0 using Student’s t-test to find out the reliability of the difference between the average values. In young men, divided by somatotype, it was established that in representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype, higher values of the fat component largely cause lower values of VO 2 max rel. to (r = -0.706; p < 0.001), correspondingly lower level of aerobic performance. Higher values of BMI in young men of endomesomorphic and mesomorphic somatotypes cause higher values of the absolute VO2 max indicator, as indicated by the correlation (r = 0.727; p < 0.001 and r = 0.880; p < 0.001, respectively). The degree of development of the components of the somatotype does not have a significant impact on the aerobic performance of young men of different morphological types, which is confirmed by a correlation that does not exceed the average degree. Among young men of different somatotypes, there is no correlation of body composition, BMI with the power of anaerobic lactate energy supply processes, or the strength of the connection does not exceed the average. It was found that higher BMI values significantly cause a higher level of anaerobic lactate productivity of the body only in representatives of the endomesomorphic somatotype, as indicated by a strong direct correlation (r = 0.740; p < 0.001) with the WAnT30 absolute indicator. A strong negative influence of percentage fat content in the body on the capacity of the anaerobic lactate productivity of the body in young men of the mesoectomorphic somatotype, which is evidenced by negative correlation (r = -0.445; p > 0.05) with the PPO rel. Higher values of BMI cause a lower level of anaerobic lactate productivity of the body in young men mesoectomorphic and endomesomorphic somatotypes, which is confirmed by a strong negative correlation with the PPO rel. (r = -0.594, p < 0.01; r = -0.430, p < 0.01 respectively). In addition, in young men of the endomesomorphic somatotype, higher values of BMI cause higher values of the absolute index of PPO (r = 0.628; p < 0,001).


Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University


General Engineering,Ocean Engineering

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