The aim of the article is a theoretical and methodological justification for strengthening the role of international trade in medicines and equipment during the COVID-19
pandemic, to establish the benefits of free trade, to develop important international trade policy priorities in this field.
Materials and methods: Legislation of foreign countries and international organizations, statistical data published by international organizations are the materials of the
research. Methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization were applied during the research.
Conclusions: It has been proved that the legal regulation of world trade activity by medical supplies are increasingly playing more important roles in the implementation of
international development goals. The authors have offered three priorities to all countries: to cooperate globally around the deployment of life-saving medical supplies, publicly
commit all countries not to implement export bans or limits on relevant medical supplies; to control all trade measures countries have taken in response to the COVID-19 outbreak;
to bring together in a global form measures and procedures to eliminate this phenomenon.
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15 articles.