1. Federal Research Center for Agrarian Economics and Social Development of Rural Territories – All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics
Abstract. The article notes that in Russia, both the reduction and the grinding of rural settlements are currently taking place. Destructive processes with a low level of technical support for production processes are getting stronger. As a result, the spatial development of agriculture has slowed down in most rural areas, and only in some large settlements in a number of regions with a high bioclimatic potential is there a concentration of social, economic and production potential. However, in rural territories with large agricultural holdings there is a reduction in production activity by small forms of management and the departure of the rural population to the city. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system of organizational and economic measures aimed at the development of rural territories in order to prevent the disappearance of rural settlements in depressed areas and the development of large-scale agricultural production capable of providing a sufficient volume of agricultural and food products, necessary not only for domestic consumption, but also for export supplies, ensuring food security. First of all, this applies to 15-17 regions of the country with relatively favorable natural and economic conditions for conducting intensive and competitive agriculture, ensuring mainly the country's food security, forming its main commodity resources of agricultural and food products for interregional exchange and export, especially constantly demanded in the global agri-food market.
Stavropol State Agrarian University
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