Issues of the effectiveness of the implementation of the State Program for the Integrated Development of Rural Territories


Kapitonov Anatoliy1




The article, based on materials from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, analyzes trends in changes in the values of target indicators of the “State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation” (GP KRST), shows shortcomings from the point of view of completeness of accounting in the indicators of certain important indicators of the effectiveness of rural development. Taking into account the legislative decisions of 2023 in intraregional territorial management, which consist in the formation of municipal districts, a territorial analysis of the emerging differentiation of levels and dynamics of the values of indicators (published by state statistics bodies) of the socio-economic development of the region was carried out, formulated proposals for measures aimed at eliminating imbalances and increasing the efficiency of implementation of the State Property Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic.


RIOR Publishing Center

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