1. Hacettepe Üniversitesi
This study aims to reveal the prospective teachers’ views on the concept of renewable energy. The study employed a qualitative research method. A total of 30 prospective teachers attended the study. A purposeful sampling method was used to choose the participants. Prospective teachers who had taken courses related to environmental education before participated in the study. The data were collected through three open-ended questions prepared by the researchers. The prospective teachers were asked questions on the importance of using renewable energy sources, obstacles to the usage of renewable energy sources, and increasing the usage of renewable energy sources. Their answers to questions were collected in writing. Content analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The findings were divided into categories and then the themes were specified. Prospective teachers’ views about the concept of renewable energy were demonstrated through the themes and categories. The results of the study showed that prospective teachers had awareness of renewable energy sources but that their knowledge was not at the desired level. The results could provide policymakers with new information about renewable energy in the process of planning teacher training in the long term to raise society’s awareness in the national arena.
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