1. State Hydrometeorogical Institute
The paper presents an assessment of the distribution of riverbed types in homogeneous landscape areas of the Arctic zone located in various permafrost conditions. The Arctic territories of the Komi Republic, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Yakutia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are considered. For the first time, a distribution scheme of riverbed types for the middle rivers of the Russian Arctic regions has been compiled, based on a typification developed for permafrost conditions. The analysis showed that tundra landscapes are characterized by a greater distribution of unlimited alluvial rivers, compared with taiga landscapes. There is also a low proportion of orographic low-flows channels in permafrost conditions. Orographic flood channels are not typical of landscapes of Eastern European groups and are found in Siberian landscape groups, which is explained by the combined influence of limiting conditions and types of permafrost. There is an increase in limited alluvial channels from Arctic tundra landscapes to landscapes to those of taiga groups. As a result of the assessment, it is shown that the shape of riverbeds is influenced by permafrost, determining the nature of riverbed formation in the region.
FSBI Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (FSBI AARI)
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