AbstractHow few three-term arithmetic progressions can a subset S ⊆ ℤN := ℤ/Nℤ have if |S| ≥ υN (that is, S has density at least υ)? Varnavides showed that this number of arithmetic progressions is at least c(υ)N2 for sufficiently large integers N. It is well known that determining good lower bounds for c(υ) > 0 is at the same level of depth as Erdös's famous conjecture about whether a subset T of the naturals where Σn∈T 1/n diverges, has a k-term arithmetic progression for k = 3 (that is, a three-term arithmetic progression).We answer a question posed by B. Green about how this minimial number of progressions oscillates for a fixed density υ as N runs through the primes, and as N runs through the odd positive integers.
Canadian Mathematical Society
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8 articles.