Linguo-cultural representation of the image characteristics of the British royal family members (based on the British mass media discourse)


Korenetskaya I.1


1. Pskov State University


   The article presents the linguocultural image of the royal family and its representation in media texts. The linguistic and cultural image is defined as a set of stereotyped features that are positively assessed by the target audience and have deep national and cultural connotations. The analysis of the modern English media discourse, carried out within the framework of the article, made it possible to identify the main linguocultural attitudes forming the basis of the British royal family image. We describe the following integral characteristics of the image representation of the persons belonging to the royal family: nepotism and love of children, skepticism towards everything new and foreign, orientation towards the queen as a symbolic and valuable core of the royal family, their pride in the great historical past while simultaneously feeling the burden of imperialism. The article notes that members of the royal family are making attempts to modernize their own image characteristics in order to adapt them to the linguocultural realities of the modern epoch.


Kazan Federal University


General Medicine

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