Januarisman Erwin,Ghufron Anik
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan produk berupa media pembelajaran IPA berbasis web. (2) mengetahui tingkat kelayakan dan keefektifan media pembelajaran IPA berbasis web. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang menggunakan metode penelitian Borg & Gall dan metode pengembangan Alessi & Trollip. Prosedur pengembangan meliputi tahap perencanaan, desain, dan pengembangan. Penelitian menunjukan hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Produk berupa media pembelajaran berbasis web pada mata pelajaran IPA menggunakan software CMS (Content Management System) Wordpress. (2) Produk media pembelajaran berbasis webpada mata pelajaran IPA telah dinyatakan layak sebagai media pembelajaran berdasarkan hasil validasi dari ahli materi dengan nilai rata-rata 3,98 dengan kategori “Baik”, ahli media dengan nilai rata-rata 4,07 dengan kategori “Baik”, uji coba lapangan awal diperoleh rata-rata penilaian sebesar 4,13 dengan kategori “Baik” dan uji coba lapangan utama diperoleh nilai gain untuk SMP Muhammadiyah 2 sebesar 22,2, SMP N 2 sebesar 24, SMP N 3 sebesar 21,6 dan SMP N 5 sebesar 19,6. (3) Keefektifan media pembelajaran IPA berbasis web dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya hasil belajar siswa berdasarkan data hasil evaluasi pretest dan posttest.Kata kunci: efektivitas, media pembelajaran berbasis web, IPA. DEVELOPING WEB-BASED LEARNING MEDIA ON NATURAL SCIENCES LESSON FOR THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS OF SMPAbstractThe purposes of this research were to: (1) generate product in the form of web-based science learning media. (2) reveal the feasibility and effectiveness of the product developed. The type of this research was a research and development (R&D) using method by Borg and Gall and method development by Alessi & Trollip. The development procedure included the planning, design, and development. The results of this research is as follows. (1) A product of media web-based learning in science subjects was developed using software CMS (Content Management System) Wordpress. (2) The product was considered eligible as a medium of learning based on the results of the validation of materials expert with an average score of 3.98 with the category of “good”, media experts average score is 4.07 with the category of “Good”, the initial field trial score is 4.13 with the category “good”, and the main field trials score obtained for SMP Muhammadiyah 2 is 22.2, SMP N 2 is 24, SMP N 3 is 21.6 and SMP N 5 is 19.6. (3) The effectiveness of the web-based science learning media is shown by the increase of student learning outcomes based on evaluation data of pretest and posttest.Keywords: effectiveness, media web-based learning, Natural Sciences Lesson
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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