Labor Situation and Academic Engagement in University Students


Valero-Ancco Vidnay NoelORCID,Lujano-Ortega YolandaORCID,Calderon-Quino Katty MaribelORCID,Pari-Orihuela MiryamORCID


Objective: Admission to university means a change in lifestyles for young people, who are burdened by factors such as emotional problems, stress and must develop the skills to face positively their university studies developing their academic engagement [EA]. In this context, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the employment situation and academic engagement in university students.   Methods: A quantitative methodology with a cross-sectional correlational design was used. The sample consisted of 429 university students, male and female, selected by a random probabilistic criterion. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was used to collect information. The statistical test used corresponds to the Spearman correlation.   Results: The main results reveal that the level of EE of university students is average, since 48.5% identified with this level. In the dimension of vigor of the EA, high percentages of university students with a medium level of engagement with a tendency to low and very low levels were found. In the dimension of dedication, university students were characterized by having a medium level with a tendency to high and very high levels, while in the dimension of absorption, university students are characterized by having a medium level of engagement with a tendency to low levels. On the other hand, the employment situation of university students reveals that 69% study and work, while 31% only study.   Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a moderate relationship between the employment situation and the EA since the p value obtained is less than the proposed significance value (0.025<0.050).


RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental

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