Sustainable Rainwater Management With the Use of Compensatory Urban Drainage Techniques: Case Study on The Maracanã Campus of the University of the State of Rio De Janeiro (UERJ)


Souza Wendel Henrique Santos deORCID,Ohnuma Júnior Alfredo AkiraORCID


Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the hydrological impact of using different compensatory techniques on the conventional urban drainage system in an intramural contribution basin to the Maracanã Campus of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), located in the Maracanã neighborhood, in the city from Rio de Janeiro-RJ.   Theoretical Framework: A bibliographical review was prepared with an approach to the urbanization process associated with urban drainage infrastructures, as well as the use of compensatory techniques to control urban flooding.   Method: Rainfall and hydrological data, demand and consumption of non-potable water in the building, sizing of the microdrainage network and compensatory techniques and calculation of the runoff buffered by the techniques were obtained.   Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed that the hydrological impact of using compensatory techniques designed on the drainage network designed in the Maracanã Campus basin, which discharges a flow of 2,041.66 Lts/s, would have a reduction in the flow of around 19%, using only around 14% of the Campus area is a contribution area for techniques.   Research Implications: The research brings a scientific contribution based on the analysis of the implementation of compensatory techniques on the microdrainage network as an alternative to be evaluated by municipal managers as a solution to be integrated into the infrastructure development of cities, in order to make them more resilient in terms of to intense rainfall events.   Originality/Value: The study showed, based on the results obtained, the efficiency in the use of compensatory urban drainage techniques, with discussion in the scientific community to develop further studies in the context of water resources management.


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