Purpose: This study aims to carry out a sectoral field study on corporate socio-environmental responsibility in companies in the civil construction sector operating in Brazil, Mexico and the United States of America.
Theoretical framework: The bibliographic review demonstrated the results found from a comparative bias in relation to corporate socio-environmental responsibility. It also points out that companies in the civil construction sector in the three countries analyzed (Brazil, Mexico and the United States) have similar environmental and social practices, verifying the adoption of sustainable construction methods, mitigation of the generation of solid waste, as well as their best destination, reuse of water, improvement of energy efficiency, identifying the main focus on reducing greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions.
Method/design/approach: As a methodology, a multicase study was carried out, making use of documentary research, through which a survey of data and information was carried out in a group of companies in the civil construction sector based in three different countries: Brazil, Mexico and the United States. United of America.
Results and conclusion: In all analyzed companies there was a concern that their actions are based on international standards in order to obtain certification, highlighting among them ISO and LEED.
Research implications: The research makes an effective contribution by demonstrating the potential and the need to adopt sustainable practices in the management of contemporary companies.
Originality/value: The results obtained in this study are unprecedented, innovative and relevant to the scientific community, in the context of sustainability in civil construction.
Keywords: Social and environmental responsibility, Construction, Organizational dynamics, Sustainable Practices, Sustainable construction methods.
RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Geography, Planning and Development
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