This study aimed to evaluate grain yield and weed infestation of winter triticale grown in various cropping and tillage systems. The first order factor studied was the cropping systems (CS): (1) crop rotation A (CR-A): peas – winter barley – winter triticale; (2) crop rotation B (CR-B): lupin – winter wheat – winter triticale; and (3) winter triticale monoculture (MON). The second order factor included tillage systems (TS): (a) conventional (CT); (b) reduced (RT); and (c) no-tillage (NT). A significantly higher triticale grain yield was recorded in CR-A and CR-B than in MON, and also in CT than in RT and NT, due to higher spike number per 1 m2, grain weight per spike, and 1000 grain weight. The weed community formed in triticale crop was mainly represented by short-lived species. A higher weed number per 1 m2 was determined in CR-A and MON than in CR-B as well as in RT than in CT and NT. In turn, weeds produced a higher air-dry weight of weeds in MON than in CR-Aand CR-B, and also in RT than in CT and NT. The tillage system affected the weed contribution in particular levels of winter triticale crop, with the lower-level and middle-level species prevailing in CT and RT, and the middle-level and upper-level ones in NT.
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
General Materials Science
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