What are the Immediate Prospects for the Implementation of Innovative Activity of the Domestic Agro-Industrial Complex


Razuvaev R. A.1,Tsatsulin A. N.1


1. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA)


The innovative development of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of the Russian Federation is a priority area of state policy, since the agro-industrial complex is the basis for ensuring the country’s food security. Technological and product innovations in the sector will reduce the risks of doing business and provide the domestic and foreign markets with goods that have high consumer value and meet the needs of consumers. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the need for innovative development of the agro-industrial complex and develop recommendations for increasing the innovative activity of agro-industrial enterprises. The objectives of the study are to determine the industry’s contribution to GDP, to determine the level of innovation activity, to analyze development factors, to analyze factors that slow down innovation activity and to draw up appropriate recommendations. Research methods are economic analysis and synthesis. The article shows that the innovative development of the agroindustrial complex largely depends on state support and the creation of a special institution for the transfer of innovative technologies. The main provisions of the article: it is shown that in modern Russia the high potential of agro-industrial production has not been realized; innovative development of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex depends on the import of technologies; Russia has a scientific base and the potential for creating innovative solutions, but in the absence of technology transfer institutions, it cannot be realized; the creation of a special institute for technology transfer will increase the innovative activity and competitiveness of the Russian agro-industrial complex in the domestic and world markets.


The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

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