Development and Promotion of a Brand Based on Parametric Criteria Using an Inductive Approach and Three-Stage Coding


Sidorova E. Y.1ORCID,Kostyukhin Yu. Yu.2ORCID


1. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation,

2. National University of Science and Technology MISIS; Bauman Moscow State Technical University


Relevance. Influencer marketing is a rapidly evolving but still relatively under-explored management practice in B2B markets. Although there is a growing body of research on influencer marketing in general, it has focused almost entirely on consumer markets, product-focused social media promotions, and consumer attitudes and behavior, providing only limited insight into the organizational processes and unique characteristics of influencer marketing in markets B2B.The purpose of this study is a methodology for assessing an existing brand and developing marketing activities to promote it.Objectives. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved: brand monitoring was carried out in order to determine desirable and undesirable associations (based on Venn logic); the correlation between associations and brand promotion was assessed using parametric criteria; The resulting model was tested based on analysis of variance.Methodology. The research is based on methods of statistical data analysis, visual presentation of data, expert assessment methods, the theory of corporate branding, Venn diagrams, multi-correlation analysis, inductive approach, three-stage coding.Results. The results obtained include the definition of desirable and undesirable associations (based on Venn logic), assessment of the correlation between associations and brand promotion using parametric criteria, testing of the resulting model, a vector scale was created that evaluates changes in the economic potential of the company.Conclusions. Based on the results of the research, we can conclude that the introduction of associations for interested parties really has a positive effect on people’s opinions and ideas about the brand, which certainly affects its recognition, and, consequently, the promotion of the product.


Southwest State University

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