1. University North
2. Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH
One of the challenges of spatial approach to cultural dynamics is the understanding of spatial uniqueness among different elements, and finally the synergy between tangible and intangible cultural resources that makes tourist space unique. The association of cultural tangible and intangible heritage features includes associations to the physical elements of cultural heritage and their connection with the intangible through the experience, perception and interpretation of the cultural heritage of the visited destination. The experience of the destination, ie the cultural heritage of the visited destination includes the recognition of contextual values and the inseparability of intellectual and physical cultural content, which affirms the associative dimension of culture as key to understanding the destination by tourists. An associative experience is possible when the cultural heritage of the destination is viewed as a whole, so digitalization affects the recognizability of culture, cultural heritage and destination in the global tourism market. Revitalization and improvement of cultural heritage through digitalization of spatial uniqueness and recognizable associative features of culture will contribute to the management and quality of space and the development of awareness of valuing culture and cultural heritage with which and from which destination he lives every day.